The Transitional Program of Instruction (TPI) provides qualifying non-native English-speaking students with language support services. Potential participants are assessed using an approved English Language Proficiency exam. Students who qualify are placed and remain in the program for three years or until they reach proficiency in academic English. The language exam used in Illinois, ACCESS for EL’s, determines language proficiency. Students receiving TPI services may be given an additional 2 years of service after proficiency with parent approval.
During registration, parents complete The Home Language Survey. If it is determined that a child speaks another language or resides in a home where another language is spoken, a certified teacher assesses the child’s academic English skills using a screening assessment. Any child identified as needing language support services will be placed in the TPI program with a certified EL teacher. The EL teacher will collaborate with the classroom teacher to support student’s English language development. Students will receive instruction in their classroom with their peers. Instruction can be adapted and modified by using EL standards to meet student needs. The EL teacher will work closely with mainstream teachers to support instruction and modify the curriculum in order to facilitate the development of English Langauge Skills.